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Routine Alternatives March 5, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodgame43 @ 1:17 pm
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I’m an extremely predictable person when it comes to breakfast. I take down a bowl, find a spoon, pour some cereal (one of three that I buy regularly) and then pour on some 1% milk. Swoosh the spoon around to get everything wet, leave it for a couple of minutes and then eat. I’m as dull as a koala bear on Thankgiving. Turkey? No thanks, I’ll stick to my leaves.


What’s a little odd about my routine is that when I travel, I allow for alternatives. In fact, I break away from just cereal and go for the gusto with yogurt, cheese, ham, bagels, cream cheese, and fruit depending on the free breakfast offered. Oh crap, I just realized why I eat differently when I’m away from home. Someone else does the shopping.


Change of the Day:  Break the breakfast routine even if it means you have to change what aisle you shop in.